Hai eberybody, it’s me Bert. We got pamcakes dis morning and it was totally worff the wait! Fanks Mom! And fanks Jayne for the Canadiam maple syrup! Here are lots ob picture proof ob all the pamcake goodness…

I habs pamcakes!! And the best Canadiam maple syrup from Dexters mom – she sent it from my homeland. ? Oh, it’s sooo soooo good!!

Mom…I am not coming out until you make me pamcakes. ok? dis Chip.

Mom, I really need to use your ipad for a minute to finish my homework…can I use it? It’s me, Bert.

I will gib up my nanner chip if you let do some computerin’ for a few minutes. I can’t find my laptop, I fink Beez hid it the digging box. I really need it, please. I need it for school stuff.
By the way, when are you going to make us some pamcakes?

The Blue Cube by Bert

The blue cube is comfy
the blue cube is cool
it makes me feel good
it makes me feel free

hold on I hab to pee

Ok, I’m back.  The cube is cozy, 
the cube is soft,
when mom picks it up, it goes aloft.
I like when it’s crowded, 
I like when it’s not,
the blue cube is good for sleeping.  

How’s that?  I”ll probably get better at doing poems wiff time.

Hai eberyone, it’s me Bert.

Today in school we had a guest teacher ober Zoom, it was Sadie Storm!   Since her dad is a planet science expert, she knows so much about it she taught us all about Mars, and Earff, and Benus and Jupiter and Pluto.  We had a great discusshun about whether it should be a planet or Disney dog.  It was a split decision.  Maybe it can be boff.  We only hab one planet in our classroom so Nickels did the close up learning, and me, Beez and Chip watched from the classroom balcony.  Sadie is a great teacher, she habs been around for a long time and knows about science and all kinds ob fings.  She is a great teacher.  Fank you for sharing your wisdom wiff us Sadie!