The first annual meeting ob the Marty Mouse chapter ob the Order ob Bikings shall come to order… first order ob bizness, who brought the snacks?

Second order ob bizness… who should we inbade?

We know our Ninja Mobes class is coming up, so we started stretching and practicing some ob our signature and most effectib ninja mobes.

Happy Beez Day!

Today at Marty’s School ob Bizness we are learning how to use our computers and all the programs.  Emails, Interwebs and all the fings.  Today we practiced our bizness skills by ordering some fank you cards for people who hab sent us licenses for Internashunal Bizness.  Mom had to gib us some electronic monies so they would send the cards to our magic box.  So we learned lots of fings, like maff and comptashunal skillz.  We had to use Photoshop, we surfed on a Safari – we didn’t see any animals or actually get to go in the ocean.  There is so much to learn about bizness, but I fink we all did real good and learned a lot for today.

Monday is ober – it’s safe to come out now.

Hai, it’s me, Bert. I was just wanting to check in on you and see how your Monday is going. We are almost done wiff it. Keep going!