When we were hyping wiff King Bean yesterday, I asked him if I could try on his crown. He said ok, but just for a few minutes. I took a few minutes from Internashunal Bizness today and gabe it a try. I fink I look spectacular! But to be honest, it’s a little heaby, so I’m glad I don’t hab to wear it all the time. My neck muscles aren’t used to it. You hab to train for these fings. Like in the Olympics and stuff. I don’t fink they hab a crown wearing competition, but they hab break dancing, so maybe they do. But I don’t want a medal anyway, I hear those are pretty heaby too.
Hai, dis King Bean. I had to leabe earff a year ago yesterday, but you all will always be in my heart. I am busy in Heaben wiff my brothers trying to send more lub and happiness to eberybody there on earff. Our new friend Snoot is helping on that project! There are so many great rats up here that we hab met, it’s great for a bustling Internashunal Heabenly Bizness! Ob course, we also hab lots ob snacks and starberry shakes. I am sending you lots ob lub and magic! Be good and stay safe. xo
Do you hab your calemdars yet? I know some ob you do! Eberybody should hab one, we hab been in the calemdar bizness a long time now, you can put your trust in a Marty Mouse House calemdar to tell what day it is! (Unless you just came out ob a time tunnel, then you might still be a little wonky.) Some are almost sold out!
Dis Nickels, and I’be been finking. The world is troubled and people are all mad at each other. It’s not good. We are all more the same then different, eben our beliefs I fink are closer together than they are apart. If I hab dis popcorm and it makes me happy, and if I gib you a popcorm, and it makes you happy, maybe we can forget all the other stuff and come together can hab popcorm together and be happy. We need more happiness and lub. And popcorm.
Help… it’s me, Bert, the Candy Corm elf. Because the supply ob candy corms this year was so late, we missed the Harbest times and distribushun is way behind. We need your help. Please fro a candy corm at eberyone you see today or stick one in their shoes. Dont worry, they will lub it. Ok, fank you and happy halloweem! Enjoy your candies!