We hab a few more places to bisit to get all our Internashunal bizness license secured, and a few weeks ago we trabled to Illinois, Land ob Lincoln (he was related to President Fibbs I fink). Our friend Scotia Draben gab us these, cause she is from there too. It was a bit cold, but we had a fun time! Bert wanted to see the Blackhawks play, and he got to go on the ice wiff them, but he didn’t stay too long because the ice was cold and he was worried about his tail safety. But we lubbed watching the guys crashing into each other and hitting that puck around! Beez wanted to go to the Sears Tower and go out on the obersebashun deck, me and Bert didn’t want to because it’s really high up and scary. And I’m a little embarrassed to tell you what I did. But I will. I went to the Cook County jail to look for Jake and Elwood, the Blues Brothers. I had my jail hat wiff me, I trabel wiff it, sometimes you might need it because people don’t mess wiff you if they fink you’re a dangerous felon, so I fit in, but after a couple hours someone finally told me they weren’t there because dat was just a mobie. Oh well, I met some nice fellas. We had some good deep dish pizza and other good foods in downtown Chicago. Fank you Scotia!
And Chip bisited the Lincoln Park Zoo – it’s easier to sneak in wiff the animals when you are a ghost!
It’s been a kind ob a crazy few months, and we neber got a chance to show you the pics from our last bizness trip to Las Begas. It was Chip’s last trip to get Internashunal bizness, and he had a wonderful time! We all did. At night all the lights are are so fun and sparkly and there are sooo many good snacks. We went to a buffet and just had to pay monies one time, and we got to eat eberyfing we wanted, it was like a dream come true. We will always treasure dat trip wiff him, plus he won big yogies on the slot machines and he shared wiff all ob us!!
Fank you Carole Merano Littlefield! Sorry you mobed to ME before we could bisit Nebada.