dis Chip.
dis Chip.
It’s Balemtimes Day, and I don’t hab a balemtime. Maybe you don’t either? Wanna help each other out?
Dis my offishul birffday portrait. What do you fink? The theme was cheese!! I fink we nailed it! We had a fun party, and it was so fun to see my sisters (Rats Have Feelings Too) and hab cake wiff them. I don’t fink mom is going to get the Hollywood Handshake for her cheese cake, but she tried and it tasted really good!! More pics and bideos are coming, but wanted to show you dis one now.
Oh hai, it’s me, your faborite space polar bear. I just wanted to check in wiff you and say hai. How’s is going? I’m doing good. I’m an old man now, and my back legs don’t work so good. If I went back to space it wouldn’t matter so much because grabity isn’t such a big deal, but I want to stay here wiff you guys, and my mom and dad. I get lots ob snuggles from mom, and I hang out wiff my brother Oliber sometimes. And guess what?!? My birffday is on the 24th, so we are habbing a birffday party dis weekend wiff my sisters. There will be lots ob pictures I’m sure, I’m not looking forward to that part… but there will be cake wiff lots ob frosting and fun fings to do. I can’t wait to tell you all about it. Ok, it’s snack time, gotta go. TTYL. dis Beez
Hello eberyone, dis Beezley Breeze here at the MNN news desk. Near our offices here in Califorbia where I lib, it’s been raining, and raining and raining. Our soil is not used to dis, and can’t absorb all the extra waters, so it’s flooding in lots ob places, making it berry difficult to maintain dry snacks and other fings. People in the flood zones need to be berry careful!! Eberybody stay safe out there, we hab more days ob the atmospheric riber coming. Dat means lots more ob rain.
How is the weather where you are?? I know, because I’m a weatherbear, but if you want to share wiff eberyone, you can do it, because I’m going to hab a nap now.