If you ordered a magnet to commemorate the Unicorm Conbenshun, they hab arribed and will be mailed out tomorrow, so keep your eyes on the magic box….
If we came to your house for breakfast, would you share wiff us?
Guess what?!? You can COMMISSION a painting if don’t want to deal wiff raffles or getting outbid at the last minute. (Order a custom painting) You can pick the artist and the colors – as artists, we reserb the right to paint wiff whatever technique we see fit, ball drags, hand swishes, or whateber, and to name the painting.
We know dis might be too much for many people, so RAFFLE TICKETS will be abailable for our other pieces ob art and also for some framed pieces of the colorful dropcloth! Eberyfing will help us, and wiff some raffle packages you can get come beams from AC Beanery or a big magnet ob Nickels and his Unicorm Sneeze painting!
FANK YOU for your support and lub. We are looking forward to doing our arts, but doing our baffs isn’t as fun. I try not to fink about that part.