We knew this day would come, our mini polar bear would hab to return to space for a more permanent assignment in the Heaben sector. Saturday was that day – Beez had to go. I don’t fink either ob us were ready. He asked me gib you all a message, it was this: “I hate to say goodbye to all ob you, eben though I didn’t really like taking pictures, I lubbed talking to you guys and telling jokes and sharing sock days and I fank you all berry much for all the lub and messages and times we shared together. It meant the world to me, it really did. You can still feel the lub in space. I’m looking forward to the starberry shakes and cuddling wiff my brothers again, and meeting the ones I habn’t met yet! Don’t worry about me, I hear Heaben is pretty great, Nickels was always telling me all about when we talked on Hype. Ok, my ship is ready, I gotta go now. I lub you all berry much!! – Beez”
He was doing really well, in spite of his HLD, but on Friday night I came up from dinner it looked like he had had a stroke. He was very limp and I thought at that point it was only a matter of time. He recovered from that, almost completely, and seemed like things would be ok, but about 24 hours later, he had a seizure, and another… and was gone fairly quickly. I don’t think he suffered, I sure hope not. Good-bye for now Beesley, my sweet mini Polar Bear from space. I know whenever I look up to the stars, you will always be there – and you will always be in my heart.