Memorial Guests
Hai eberybody, dis Fibbs. It was a really nice memorial you guys had for me this weekend, so many ob you showed up for the libe biewing. I know it was goberment protocol, but it was so sad. I’m still here and can talk to you wheneber, so don’t be too sad just because I’m not on earff anymore. Fibbs transcends the chains of earffly ties. Don’t worry, I won’t refer to myself in third person regularly, just this one time. Me and the boys and all our new friends watched it from up here. Ok, maybe I eben got a little teary seeing my mom cry. It takes a little adjustment getting used to only talking from Heaben, but I’m sure we can do it. We were eating Milanos, the bags here in Heaben are always FULL! It’s amazing.
Such a long line ob people filed past my sleeping box, including these two ladies who trabeled all the way from Los Angeles to come pay their respects. Pants (on the left) once sent me a lub letter, but our timing just didn’t work out. Too bad I couldn’t meet her in person – she is pretty cute. 😉
Fanks to their mom, Minae, for bringing Pants and Miwa to bisit – they might be hanging around a bit dis week to assist the secret serbice and do some stuff.
(You can see more ob them on Rats Hab Feelings Too.)
I miss you little man. You taught me so much, like Presidentshul biscuit’s and da importance ob corm’s, da kindness ob stranger’s and da rainbow bridge. Dat one was huge!! Ahh, der is a bunch ob fing’s.
I hope yer mommy and dad are okay. I heard yer mommy cry during da memorial. I wanted to hug her so bad but I lib up in Canada eh.
It’s good to know you are happy and can eat whateber you want. Say “hi” from me to all my boy’s.
I lub you Fibbsy.
My boy Steve joined you a couple of days ago, Fibbs. I’m devastated, losing first you, then him. He was only a youngster too. 🙁
Oh, Fibbs, I’m so glad you’re happy on the other side of the rainbow bridge! Full bags of Milanos sounds wonderful. I would sure like that. Do speak to us often as we will all miss you. So sorry this is hard for your Mom, I hope she can get past losing her boy. I know how hard it is. She will always have great memories of you, though, which will comfort her❤️
Oh Fibbies, we miss miss miss you here on Earth… i miss u as much as i miss my Scout and Pompy-Steuben????. I hope they have made friends with you & your brothers. Maybe you could all hold hands and you could reach out with your little Fibbies hand to hold my hand so i could feel all their love again❤❤❤.
God bless and miss you so much Mr Fibbs.
My boys were allowed to stay up late to pay their respects (it was 1:30 am here). We cried when your mum cried).
You will always be with us baby xxx
Forever with us in our heart, with my passed babies <3
You are so missed.
I see that you are breaking a girl. Pants, ‘s heart even in heaven. Fibbs, I will always adore you.
Ah Fibbs I miss you.If you see my friend Boris say hai for me.