Royal Mail from the Queen
It’s here! And yep, it was Prince Harry that delibered it. He could only stay for a few minutes, but we sipped a cup ob tea and had a cookie. We had a conbersashun about the state ob the world and what it feels like to lose someone you lub. The Queen sent ober this bar ob dark chocolate wiff her picture on it, and a royal letter. This is what it said:
Dear President Fibbs –
On behalf ob all the Royal Family here in all ob England, please accept our condolensces on the loss ob the First Brother and genius scienctist, Milo. He made such great contribushuns to the world through his compassion and amazing strides in the field ob Science Stuffs. England is grateful for all the friendship and effort your administrashun has extended to us and we will foreber remember Milo wiff the warmest regards. We look forward to more science breakthroughs from his work in Heaben. – The Queen
Pretty nice ob her and the kids to do this for us. Fanks Queen!
So good to hear kindness and generosity is alive and well in the world. Thank you Royal Family! I hope you enjoy your bar ob dark chocolate. All hail to chocolate! Nom, nom, nom!
Sending more love from across the Pond. Hope you’re ok on your own Fibbs.
Lovely letter from the Queen. Enjoy your dark Choc Stars.
There’s not much in this world that a little dark chocolate won’t help ! Eat extra in memory of the dearly departed…
There is much sorrow in this world, but dark chocolate helps ! Eat extra in memory of The Dearly Departed…
Glad u r keeping ur chin up Fibbs. Berry nice letter, u r so importent to hab a letter from the queen!
So beautiful… I’m going to cry!!!