Important Announcement
Hai you guys, I hab a berry important announcement to make. I was going to type it on the keyboard, but I fink it’s better if I just say it. What do you fink? Is that easier for you? Or would you prefer it be typed out so you can go back and refer to it later? I know some people like it one way, and some people like it the other way. People are funny like that. It’s probably a good fing, because if eberybody was all the same then the world would be really boring. We need people to be different and like different ways ob doing fings, it keeps fings spicy. I personally don’t like spicy foods. Well, I’ve never had any, but I’ve heard about them and I don’t fink I would like it. Mom says it says make your tummy hurt, and nobody wants that. I made my tummy hurt once by eating too many peas, and eber since then I try to keep my eyes the size ob my stomach. Sometimes it’s really hard, because food is really tasty and you neber know when you will get some more. Not that I’m complaining, I hab safe and comfy places to sleep, I go to bizness school and food does always seem to show up, unlike all the poor wild rats out there in the world who neber know where their next meal or warm bed is coming from. First world problems I guess, I mean a tummy ache from too many peas is nuffin to complain about. Fink about the all the fings you are lucky to hab, like a rope ladder and big comfy sleeping tube. Did you know sometimes when you hab hearing problems, they can put tubes in your ears and you can hear better. I fink that’s pretty crazy.
Ok then. See you….
Oh, Nickels, you are quite a philosopher! I love your ruminations!
Nice thoughts, Nickels! <3
Yoo could do it boff way’s. Whateber work’s for yoo Nickels.
Lub yoo. xoxo