WY Bizness
On the way home from the Unicorm conbenshun in space, we stopped to do a little bizness in a couple places, the first one was Wyoming! It’s soooo beautiful there, we did some cowboy stuff and went to Debils’ Tower and Old Faiffful, then we had a picnic wiff a fire, and had beans in cans, and hotdogs, and it was relaxing and da enbironment was amazing – but as pretty as it was, Reuben had an encounter wiff a giant buffalo earlier in the day and it freaked him out so he didn’t want to stay obernight, so we headed norff to bisit Chip’s old stomping ground.
Fanks to Cindy Goehring for the group license, and Lecons Nuit for the indibibdual ones! We had a wonderful time (except for Reuben, I’m sure the buffalo was a nice guy, but his size was too much for him to be comfortable wiff).
I guess it wasn’t a nocturnal water buffalo.
I love dem boff!