IL Bizness
Good morning from Chicago!
We are in the Land ob Lincoln for Internashunal Bizness. Lincoln was a friend ob George Jefferson. He liked to wear a big hat and he is on our monies! But he’s not wearing his hat in the picture on the monies tho. We might go bisit his house later, but we are habbing fun in the city now. It’s a beautiful day and there is so much to see. We all went to the Bean fing, and they say if you beliebe, you can see King Bean in there – we all saw him, but we see him on Hype alot too.
We just watched Ferris Beullers Day Off, and when he took the day off he and Sloan and Cameron went all ober Chicago, so we tried to go to some ob the places they went, but we didn’t see a parade, and I fink Abe Froman must be out ob bizness, because we coudn’t find the Sausage King ob Chicago, but we we did go to Portillos.
Fank you so much for gibbing us the bizness Scotia Draben!
Fanks for the email bois! I lub to hear about all your trabels. And I learn so much. For instance, I didn’t eben know that Lincoln was a friend ob George Jefferson!

boys!! Auntie Grub
is so THRILLED that you’re getting to visit MY home
state!! I’m looking forward to hearing ALL about your abventures, and seeing FUN photos!! Sending MUCH love and kisses!
Say hi to King Bean the next time you Hype him. And tell all my ratties in Heaben I said hi!