Nebada Bizness (part 2)
It’s me Waffles wiff a report on our Internashunal Bizness trabels to Nebada. Begas habs been a whirlwind! So far we hab eaten at three buffets – the Wynn buffet, which was delicious, they had eberyfing and it was a cute garden enbironment, then Ceasers Palace buffet and we eated all we could eat there – the trick is not to fill up on stuff like salad, and the Wicked Spoon for a late night buffet snack. Then we bisited the neon grabeyard to see all the old signs, and we watched the fountains at the Bellagio, and we met Elbis downtown at Fremont Street and he told Fish he could perform a wedding for him someday, and he thought dat would be pretty cool. We had another Buffet at The Mirage and saw the tigers and dolphins they hab there in the back yard and now we are going to see a show and probably hab another buffet after the show.
Hey, where did Fish go? Anybody see where he went?
Fank you to Margie Rick for helpin us wiff Nebada bizness!!
If you keep eating all da buffets, you will hab to go on a diet like my boys Bob and Bub!
All the ratties are just so adorable
