Australia Bizness
We got dis letter a few months ago, and we were so excited to start trabeling to England, and now Australia! We had to wait until we were old enuff to trabel and get our licences, but we are now!
Here’s what it said:
G’day, mates!! 19 June 2023
Hope you are all well. You’ll need lots of snacks to see you through your growth spurt
Enclosed are new business licences for you all. Let me explain how they work.
Reuben has the Australian spirit animal, the rakali, which is a native water rat. It is brown with a white tail end. They are nocturnal & live along waterways. They are terrific swimmers, having webbed feet & soft water-resistant fur. The drawing on your licence, Reuben, was made by a white early explorer nearly 200 years ago. Rakali represent determination.
Baxter has the Australian spirit animal, the bandicoot. They are small kangaroos, about twice the size of a rat, & have a pointy nose. They are nocturnal & have large eyes to see at night. The drawing on your licence, Baxter, was made by a white early explorer to Australia nearly 200 years ago. Bandicoots represent resilience.
Barry has the Australian spirit animal, the brolga. They are a large bird of the crane family. They are one of Australia’s largest flying birds and live in large flocks. When they are courting, they lift their heads, spread their wings and dance. Australian Aboriginals have made dances that imitate this behaviour. The drawing on your licence, Barry, is an Aboriginal drawing. The brolga represents transformation.
Waffles has the Australian spirit animal, the wombat. They are a marsupial, meaning that they have pouches for their young to develop in, just like kangaroos. A wombat’s young is called a joey. A wombat is a short, muscular brown/grey furry creature that live in burrows underground to sleep in the cool during the hot days. They are largely nocturnal. They are heavy, weighing up to 35kg. They eat grass and roots. Weird fact – their poo is cube-shaped. The drawing on your licence, Waffles, is an Aboriginal drawing. Wombats represent strength.
Fish has the Australian spirit animal, the flathead fish. They live at the bottom of deep rivers. They are solitary fish, living under tree roots or in a cove. They move to shallow water to feed at night. The drawing on your licence, Fish, is an Aboriginal drawing of a flathead in a river. Flathead represent luck.
When you use your licences, invoke your spirit animals for help and success. With the combined power of the above five attributes, (like the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers ) you are sure to be successful at Marty’s School of Business and in all your business dealings. We hope that you like your licences.
Your mate in Australia,
Wolverine (in Heaben) & Maree
Fank you both so much for the party and all the snacks and fun times in your country – we had the best time looking for our spirit animals, and eben though we didn’t see any ob them, we did see a kangaroo. We thought we might see Barry’s, we got really close to some, but they eluded us. Eben though we couldn’t see them, we will embody the spirit ob what they represent and go forff wiff our school and life and crush it! OMNIA STAPULAE!! Except maybe not today, we might hab to miss school because it’s been a berry busy weekend and we need to take a nap.
P.S. Fanks to #AdminAlly from Rachie’s Retirement Home for the ride from the airport – eberybody here is so nice and helpful!
Dis wonderful guys! How lovely to go to Australia, and exciting to hab spirit animals! So glad you are habing fun trabels xo
Dat was a lubly twip. I hope youzes get to go back when youzes habs mowr timez. Finding each spirit aminal wud be bery much fun. Maybe eben seeze a Kwalibear.
That is so cool that you all got different spirit animals. Here is some interesting trivia. My dog Spartacus, when he was at the animal shelter, was originally named Bandicoot!