Tis I, Baxter talking to you from the lawn ob MSOB. It’s finally here!  Our first day at Marty’s School ob Internashunal Bizness. It’s a little intimidating, ob course it’s such a pretigious school, and it’s berry hard to get into. Here we are! Some ob us hab some nerbs, just a little, I fink it’s totally normal, right? But all ob us are berry excited to start learning fings and habbing fun times.  What will we want to be?  Who knows! No matter what we will all learn how to staple fings and do Internashunal Bizness.  The day started wiff eberyone meeting on the lawn so we could take pictures wiff the statue ob the man himself – Marty!  The Marty statue is legendary around here. He was donated to the school back in 2014 by a renowned sculptor from across the Pond called RagRats, and he has been proudly standing on the lawn outside the school eber since.  Sometimes birds poop on his head, but the students all help out and clean him off.  Eberyday we take turns polishing the Marty statue.  

Ok, it’s time to go inside and start learning stuff. I can’t wait to see where the cafeteria is and what we will hab for lunch. I hear cafeteria food is the BEST!  I’m hoping for sloppy joes.  Looks like we are all done wiff our pictures, so I’ll talk to you later.  

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