It’s berry berry wet

Hello eberyone, dis Beezley Breeze here at the MNN news desk. Near our offices here in Califorbia where I lib, it’s been raining, and raining and raining.  Our soil is not used to dis, and can’t absorb all the extra waters, so it’s flooding in lots ob places, making it berry difficult to maintain dry snacks and other fings.  People in the flood zones need to be berry careful!!  Eberybody stay safe out there, we hab more days ob the atmospheric riber coming. Dat means lots more ob rain.

How is the weather where you are?? I know, because I’m a weatherbear, but if you want to share wiff eberyone, you can do it, because I’m going to hab a nap now.

7 replies
  1. Bentley's hoomum
    Bentley's hoomum says:

    So good to see you Beez Breeze! I absolutely adore the weather desk updates. Here in the south of England it is a bit rainy, but not so bad. Sending love and best wishes to you all, and hoping that your snacks remain dry xo

  2. Linda Almudarris
    Linda Almudarris says:

    Yeah it’s wet here at the high deserts. We’re praying for everyone that lost someone and the damage it has done.
    Thank you for the weather report Weatherbear!

  3. Shelley Boren
    Shelley Boren says:

    Foggy, here in Central Arkansas. We had lots of rain too. My weeping willow tree fell over. 😕 Prayers for all of the people in California etc who are in a bad way with the weather.


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