When it Rains, it Pours

“Fuuuuuudge! Although I didn’t say fudge.”  NPP is facing a new health crisis, a rapidly growing lump on his hind quarters.  We saw Dr. Peth yesterday, but she can’t do the surgery, so we have an appt. at the surgeons office this afternoon. We don’t have a ton of answers yet, but have been told it could be a complicated surgery that might require an amputashun.  Currently surgery is scheduled for next Tuesday, but we are hoping it can get done sooner, because this is growing fast.  All forms of prayers, good juju, magical bibes, and all the things are most welcome.

Sorry for the bad news, we like keep fings fun and happy, but sometimes life has other plans.  MM

P.S. He wants eberyone to know, he was a berry brabe boy! (and he was)

14 replies
  1. Kevin Stabinsky
    Kevin Stabinsky says:

    Paws crossed for you NPP. If you do lose a leg, you won’t lose any cuteness and you’ll be able to put your pants on twice as fast

  2. Glenna Beth Pusey
    Glenna Beth Pusey says:

    Sending lots of love and prayers. This makes me so sad! I have a kitty with 3 legs, and we call him Captain Jack. Keep your spirits up. We love you all!!

  3. Shelley Boren
    Shelley Boren says:

    Finking ’bout NPP & himbs hoomans. Dis frum RooRoo & SunBun. We fink wees doggos but mahm calls us wotten wats all da times.

  4. Carol
    Carol says:

    NPP–you are the brabest boy. Know that we’re all pulling for you and sending every good wish to you and you fambly.


  5. Paula Gallant
    Paula Gallant says:

    Ohhhhh Pickle Pants.. dat so sad. My L’il Bear had the same fing happen.last year. Da bump wasn’t there when we went to sleep and POOF it grew overnight and I watched two more grow.
    I hope da doc. fixes you right up. Lub you. xoxo


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