Update on my little Pickle Pants. All of the vets agree that it is an aggressive form of cancer and surgery is not advised. We will keep him as comfortable as we can, for as long as we can. I know you all love him, and this news will break some hearts – as I know it has mine. MM

13 replies
  1. Tom
    Tom says:

    this is terrible news. I hope you can still spend as many beautiful moments together as possible. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you. <3

  2. Rio
    Rio says:

    I’m so sorry to hear about this, it must be incredibly difficult. I’m sure you’ll keep Mr. Pickle Pants comfortable amd happy with lots of residoo and mobie time. Sending love and comfort.

  3. Maryann Stevenson
    Maryann Stevenson says:

    So sorry mum and dad. I’m devastated about the news. Pickles will be looked after by you in the best possible way. xxx


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