Dis is me resisting my meds. I know I hab to take it, but I still stretch out my hand and firmly say no! Nobody listens… I’m getting stronger tho at pushing it away, so soon I will hab the jedi forces and they won’t be able to get close enuff to my mouff.

Sweet boy! If you’re getting stronger than I think it must be working. And the sooner you eat it all up the sooner you won’t have to take it anymore. Get well soon, we love you. ♥️♥️♥️
Get stronger Bert! I’m rooting for you! My girl puts her hand out and says no, too. I’m sure you feel a lot of love from your mama, papa and brothers.
Strong in the Force you will be, but baby behavior good is not! Meds you will take, to grow well, you will
I hate meds too. Please take it???? so you can fell better.❤️
Jedi forces, good. Refusing to take your medsin, bad. Very, very, bad. I know, medsin is yucky. Being sick is yuckier. The force is strong in you, Bert. The medsin is stronger. Get well soon, Bert.
Love you sweet Jedi boy! Hope you are getting better every day!
May da Fourff be wiff you.. ok ok, I know it’s July, but hey. I you fink hard enuff and beleeb, you can do anyfing. I hab faith in you sweet Albert. Eben when I don’t feel like going on da book ob faces I do anyway just to check on you.
I know dat ICK stuff is ICKY but you HAB to be a big boy and just swallow da stuff. GROSS!! I know. I hab to take many ICK. I don’t like it but hab to do it. Dat peeple bet said so.
I lub you lot’s and said a prayer for you. It’s just not your time!! ????????????????????????
Sending many bertual kisses. Get it? hehe Are ya ready..
SMOOOOCH ????????????????????
Da Force is strong in your family. Wimbley had it, Milo had it. I don’t fink Fibbs had it though!