Australia Bizness
G’day mates! It’s me Nickels reporting from down under on the barbie! We did some trabel juice and we really went far around the world to pick up our bizness licenses from our friend Wolberine who is in Heaben now wiff Chip, but they came down to join us on our adbenture. Mom is always talking about the quoakas, and how much she wants to go to Rottnest Island and talk selfies wiff them, so I went there. I searched all ober and saw lots ob them, but ebery time I went up to one wiff a leaf and asked to take a picture wiff me, they just took the leaf and hopped away, but it was really fun to see them and I’ll keep trying. Bert went birb-watching and saw all different kinds of birdos, he hunkered down at the birb watching hut at Birba Lake. He said habbing snacks and birb watching was really fun and relaxing. Beez went on a round about and looked for some roos, he said they were a bit intimitating, but after they talked for a few minutes, they took him on a ride in their pouch and he said it was so much fun! I wish I could hab done that too. So many fun fings to do here in Australia, but mom said we hab to be home soon, I still hab medicines to take. Beez habs advised me on how to aboid it, you just hab to turtle turtle and CHA, CHA, CHA!! – more about that later. I’m doing one more try for a quoka selfie. Ok, see you!
Fank you Marie and Wolberine!!
Fanks for bisiting our beautiful country. Lots of lub to you all xx ????????????????????
Great to see all four adorable laddies. I’ve seen Bert smiling recently
I hope you keep posting all of Chip’s photos. Nickels and Beesley are so cute, along with Bert and Chip.
I’m just glad you didn’t throw shrimp on Barbie. I fink Fibbs, Milo, and Wimbley did dat when dey went to Australia.