MNN Staff Challenges
Hai, dis Nickels Nibmbostratus, reporting here for weather. Some places it’s really hot, some places it gets cold at night. It’s raining alot in the souff, but not other places, and then half an hour later it can all be different again. Weather is hard. I don’t fink I want to do dis.
Maybe I can hab an opinion segment on stuff I’m finking about. Can I speak to someone in management?
You can have whatever you want little buddy. I love you lots xoxoxo
I’ve recently gone through the process of losing a family member. However, I can honestly say MMH has made me smile and feel good when I needed it most. Thank you!
P.S. dat’s one of da most bestest weaber forcasht eber!
Anudder bad fing about weather is sumtimes you hab to wear a heaby cloud hat.
Oh Nickels, you are so adorable.. you make my heart hurt cause it is growing around you!!!