Alabama Bizness
Since we were close, we hopped ober to Alabama for some Intergalactic Space Bizness. We went to Dr. Kebin’s house so he could gib us a tour ob the Space and Rocketry Center, but we must hab got our signals crossed because he was not home when we got there. But we found it and since we already know so much about space and rocket stuff already, we did the tour ourselbes and actually got to teach some kids that were wandering around a few fings about rockets. You can’t fly any ob the rockets there, they hab been decommissioned. It’s a good fing, because most ob those kids would not be good rocket pilots. I fink they had too much sugar. But also most rockets don’t hab pilots anyway.
Big fanks to Dr. Kebin, Sadie Storm, Sue, and Nakia for the bizness license – we had a fun time! Sorry we missed you dis time, but now we know where you lib so when we make more trabel juice we will come back and bisit! We left you some Randy’s donuts, I hope you got them before the neighbors did.
And to fink.. I went to Alabama twice to bisit a couple ob minion’s and opted not to go to da space station.
I know, I know… DOH!!
I’m glad you boy’s had fun and I bet Kebin’s donut’s were gone. hehehe Yummy. lol
Lub you boy’s.
Congratulations and well done with your Alabama bizness license little buddies. I love space fings so maybe one day you could teach me some rocketry? I love you all loads and loads