Iowa Bizness
Well, we hab some issues and cant find Milo’s science lab to make trabel juice, so Milo sent us an emergency batch until we figure somefing out and find a new lab to make science in, and get a steady supply. The pandemic hab put lots ob fings in short supply, including trabel juice!
But, we carry on wiff the supply we hab, and we hab seberal states to get to! Today, we bisited Iowa!! Mom told us all about it, including where to find the cheeseburger chowder in a bread bowl – at the Smokey Row Cafe in Des Moines, or Pella or Oskaloosa. We went to the one in Des Moines and it was soooo good! Of course we also had to bisit a farm and get some fresh corm.
Fank you Ginny Brown Rud – want to meet us for another bowl ob cheeseburger chowder before we head home??
Fellas you are all adorable. Hab fun trabeling with your trabel juice
Hi Bert, Beesley, Nickels & Chip. Cheeseburger Chowder in a bread bowl sounds real yummy. I’m happy Milo sent you some travel juice so you could visit Iowa and do some international business. I’m confident you’ll be making your own travel juice soon. Keep trying, you’ll get it,
Im so excited dat you found some trabel juice and bisited Iowa!!
Yay!! My neighbor Iowa! It looks like you had a very fun time!