8th Gotcha Day Annibersary
Happy 8th anniversary ob your gotcha day to Marty. The Mouse. The Myth. The Legend. Starberry shake cheers to you in Heaben my love! xoxo
Happy 8th anniversary ob your gotcha day to Marty. The Mouse. The Myth. The Legend. Starberry shake cheers to you in Heaben my love! xoxo
Marty forever <3
Awwww!!! Happy 8th Gotcha Day!
Happy Gotcha Day little buddy. You are a legend and you created a dynasty, a legacy that brings love and joy to thousands of people and I’m certain I can say a deeply heartfelt thank you because wow do we need it. Say hi to eberyone up there please, I love you all with everything I am

Happy Gotcha day,long live Marty.