Happy CAB’s Gotcha Day – and an Important Announcement!
Three years ago today – in 2018 (the before times), we drove down to Sam Diego to get these three adorable little nuggets from Silverbell Rattery, and once again my life changed forever. As many of you know, each rat holds such a big part of your heart, they will always be part of us. Fank goodness for Hype so we can still keep in touch until we meet again someday. Happy Gotcha Day boys!!
As I was talking to all seben ob them on a Hype session recently, Cosmo said “Mom…it’s time!! You need to get more minions and keep our legacy going. We hab heard there are lots ob rats that need rescue in San Ferisco and Canada too!” Marty chimed in and agreed as ober-seer ob the Internashunal School ob Bizness, it was time for a new class. So, wiff the encouragement ob Marty, Milo, Wimbley, Fibbs, Cosmo, Augie and Bean, I am happy to announce that there will soon be new students here in about three weeks! That’s all I can say about it right now, but MD and I are berry excited to share this new adbenture wiff all ob you.
Details will be coming as I mercilessly tease their arribal. (sorry, not sorry!)
That makes us sooooooo happy!!! We’re excited to see them.
Great news!! I’ve been worried about about you, how lonely it might be without your ‘kids’ — especially now. I look forward to you welcoming your new ratties!!
Vashi’s Mom
Can’t wait!!!!!!!!!!
Soooo happy to hear this!
Hooray!!! ♥
We can’t wait for da new arribals.
Rat babies for the win!!!
YUSS!!!!!!! Excited MUCH????????????3 WEEKS, HOW CAN I WAIT THAT LONG omg MSOB will be once again,????????????????
Can’t wait for new biznesses to open! State plate challenge here we come.
PS: Princesses this time?
Happy gotcha day my dearest little friends. Thank you for hyping with mum and dad and telling them it’s time for a new class!!! This is wonderful news and I’m so excited to meet and get to know the new students. You guys are the best!!! I love you so much forever!!!

I can’t wait to meet the new class!
I think about you all the time, and how this is both joyful, and heartbreaking for you and your husband. But I am so happy you’ve decided to continue, and I cannot wait.
They are going to have a wonderful life, they will never take the place of anyone of the boys but will build upon their life. Congratulations all the boys will cheer them on!
Fantastic job by the Seven in Heaven crew. I don’t know who’s more excited, MM & MD or me.
So, excited!!!! Thank you for continuing the legacy <3
Yay!! I was hoping!! Can’t wait!!
Congratulations, on the new arrivals! I can’t wait to see them!
???? Awww, that is wonderful!!
???? Awww, that is wonderful!!
OMG so happy <3
I’ve been waiting and can;t wait to meet the new BOY’S!! lol
Are we there yet?
Are we there yet?
Are we there yet? hehehe
I am happy for you and agree with all replies above! You made my day. I hope they will be with you and MD for a long long time and bring you lots off fun and happiness!
Congrats! And I am happy the Board of Seven urged you on. We all need some critters to love.
That is such good news. I have missed the boys terribly. I can’t wait to see them.
Woohoo and ours will be related, fellas ????????
Happy happy happy
I am so excited!! I hope you name one ????????????????