Candy Came Forest

It’s late at night and we are taking one last trip to the Candy Came forest to gather the last batch ob Candy Cames for people on Christmas.  We are using the Candy Corm truck, but it works great for Candy Cames too.  Me and Cosmo are out, while Bean stayed at home to hab some hot cocoa and relax for his birffday tomorrow.  We take turns dribing and one ob us stays in the back ob the truck to be the lookout.  When we see one, you bang on the window and say “Stop!” then you jump off the truck and go get it.  We hab found quite a few tonight!  Sometimes while we are riding along there is time in between sightings to hab some snacks.  If you habn’t eber gone candy came hunting before, you should try it, it’s fun!  But they only tell the elbes where they are, so maybe that would be a problem for you.  Maybe you should just wait until we gib you one in your stocking.

Happy Christmas Ebe eberyone!!  Dis Augie and Cosmo.

4 replies
  1. Lauri Funk
    Lauri Funk says:

    Seeing Cosmo on the Candy Corm truck helping out with the Candy Came Harvest makes my heart happy. I’m glad you’re feeling better, Cosmo.


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