Rhode Island Bizness
We are dusting off the trabel juice and getting licensed in a few more states – we are so close to habbing all ob the US cobered, and then we can rebeal and lauch our new exciting Internashunal Bizness brand. The logo was done this week, it’s berry good.
So today we trabeled to the small state ob Rhode Island – it was unseasonably warm, so Cosmo went to the beach for a little R&R, he said he wrote a few more baffroom poetries for us. Augie bisited RISD to take a few art classes (it’s where Marty pillow artist and Grumpy Cat Golden Books artist, and our friend Steph Laberis went to school, so we know it’s good). We keep hoping she might make pillows ob us someday too, or maybe Augie will get good enuff and he can do it. It was a beautiful day so I went to watch the boats and fink about our new bizness benture, it was a great trip.
Fanks Fred!! P.S. I hope fings are going better for you.
(and your dad Kebin Stabinsky wiff the assist)
Dis Fred. I fink fings are going better. I got a cookie today and Princess Celestia did not make me wead or wear a silly hat. So dat is gud. But Ernie is still making me poofy, and Daddy got mad dat I took a runny poop on da window sill and did a ball drag paint wiff it. I got a baff for dat one.
It’s not easy gettin’ used to a new place, but I know you can do it Fred.
I can’t wait to see what you boy’s are up too.