New York Bizness (and how Bean became King)
Dis Augie, and I hab a story to tell you. Going back in time to a not so long ago yesteryear (just a few weeks ago actually), we went to New York to pick up our bizness papers. The trip started out as usual, Cosmo bisited Lake Placid where they had the Olympics a couple times, he wanted to see if they were looking for new talent wiff ninja mobes, but that is more the summer Olympics. I bisited the Jell-O museum and learned about green Jell-O and how they make carrots float. All pretty normal bizness stuff. The exciting part happened when Bean went up state to bisit the Boldt Castle in Alexandria Bay. He took the tour like eberybody else, but as they were leabing, lo… he heard a boice, as if from out ob the air. “Bean,” it said, “open the door to your left and come in.” “Who was dat?” said Bean, eben though the boice sounded berry familiar, you don’t expect to hear a boice in a castle hallway, right?
He went fru the door and was in a very empty room wiff stone walls. There was only a trunk at the far end ob the room. “Dat’s for you” the boice said. “Go ahead, open it.” He then realized the boice was Marty! He had heard it many times on Hype (the Skype in Heaben). He went ober to the trunk, and was a little caushus, but opened the lid. He saw a bootiful crown glistening on pile ob silk, he didn’t know what to make ob it, but there was also a note.
Bean tried it on, and it fit like a glove. “You look great!” declared Marty. “I must go now, I hab lots of Heaben bizness to attend to. I know you will do well. Follow your heart and you can’t go wrong.” Bean could hear Milo, Wimbley, and Fibbs shouting encouragement in the background too.
“I won’t let you down!” Bean pronounced, then we went outside the castle to pose for his first portrait as King Bean, ruler ob all good fings, and no bad stuff. He started writing his first proclamashun immediately wiff his magic pen from R.B. U’Ren Equipment Inc.
Fank you Marie Pappalardo McMullen – dis has been berry exciting bizness indeed!! – dis Augie
King Marty (ob not so far away yesteryear)
King Bean, dis is Sir Cornelius Ratty-Rat Loubet… i is here to surb you at will …just let’s me know. When you and your bros gets here to The OBX, you can stay here in our castle.. and den WEN can have our swimming party!!!
King Bean, dis is Sir Cornelius Ratty-Rat Loubet… i is here to surb you at will …just let’s me know. When you and your bros gets here to The OBX, you can stay here in our castle.. and den WEN can have our swimming party!!!
(sniff) Lovely! Long live the king! ????
Awww Augie, dat was so nice ob yoo to write da story ob how yer brudder became King Bean. Neber mind dat King Bean got to meet our founder, Marty. Dat must hab been pretty amazing. It brought a tear to my eye so it did.