Deer eberybody… Our last stop on this leg ob our trabel is picking out Mom up in Louisiana, she was there visiting fambily, so we wanted to join her.  We heard New Orleans has some good snacks. Oh boy, do they eber. We went to New Orleans, to the French Quarter.  You might fink that has to do wiff foreign monies, but turns out, it doesn’t.  One ob the most popular places there has these things called ben-yays, that are like flat donuts and you sprinkle power sugar on them – they are really good!  My mom and Elizabeff had a fun adbenture too, they went to the riber and got to see Mardi Gras World because they snuck in as part ob the Natshunal Container Sellers big dinner ebent, then they got some ben-yays too.  I fink ebery New Orleans story ends wiff ben-yays.

Now we are all headed home to face Monday together, but we hab to wash our socks first.  – Augie

Fank you Teresa Smith and Elizabeff Zibilich for the southern bizness!



9 replies
  1. Seebaer's Mum
    Seebaer's Mum says:

    New Orleans is a beautiful place. For some reason I didn’t have a ben-yay when I visited years ago, but remember seeing many, MANY of your wild cousins!

  2. Lauri Funk
    Lauri Funk says:

    You’re looking good, Bean. Bright eyed, standing tall. smile on your face. One look at you, and all the girl ratties will fall madly in love wif you.

  3. Linda Adams
    Linda Adams says:

    Our boys have never been to Louisiana but what do you know we got some of those right here at Sprouts, they really liked them. Ben-yayyyyy!

  4. victoria
    victoria says:

    You’re right those ben-yays are something special. I always eat more than my share when I have a chance at them!


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