
Wimby Cookies (Part 1)

Wimby Cookie Recipe PDF

Ok, are you ready to make Wimby cookies!?! Click on the link to download the PDF recipe, and here we go… first you need to make sure you hab all the ingrediemts.  I hab Baker’s chocolate, but I fink they would be eben better wiff a fancier chocolate.

Make sure you hab you bowl ready…

Mix your oil, sugar and melted chocolate in the bowl and mix them wiff the mixer on low speed.

Add the banilla, then the eggs one at a time.

Not the shell parts, or they will be gross and crunchy!

Now that you hab got dis far, it’s time for a snack break.   Then you can get your dry imgrediemts ready.  First your flour…

You hab to sift it wiff the baking power and salt!

It can be kind of taxing to turn the sifter.

Ok, now you can mix the dry fings wiff the chocolate fings in the bowl.

Once you hab all the fings mixed together, cober the bowl wiff foil and put it in the fridge to chill a bit.  Kind ob like a time out.

Part two tomorrow when the dough has chilled… we will finish and bake the cookies!!


6 replies
  1. Bentley's Hoomum
    Bentley's Hoomum says:

    These are the best recipe instructions eber! (I fink the bit about not adding the shells is particularly helpful. I could hab ruined my cookies if you hadn’t told me!)


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