You know those days when you go to the airport because you forgot your trabel juice, and eberyfing takes longer then you fink, and you almost miss your plane because TSA doesn’t want to let your friend Paul on the plane just because he’s a dragon? Yep, it’s like dat today. I’m gonna miss my panel!

Yep im gonna have a day like dat to…
Oh my goodness, did you make your plane?? Your such a hard worker!!! I wuv hearing about your trables! Safe adventures my friend!!
I just had to continue reading this, because Facebook cut off your comment at, “doesn’t want to let your f…” haha
You are amazing <3
Dems no wanna let Paul on da plane? Time to go back home, yup yup! Tant leebs Paul behind. Dat not dood.
It’s your passion that counts! Hugs to Fibbs!