Deer Diary –
A boy tends to get a bit peckish while waiting for aliems. I hab a few snacks here. I fink my teebee commercial was really good, but no calls yet about UFO or aliem sightings, just about the toaster oben. I know I need to be patient. P.S. Dis Wimbley.

I love this series. Aliems and rats = pure awesomeness!
So, about the toaster oven… lol, just kidding. I hope you succeed in finding them aliens 🙂
You keep watching Wimbley I feel safer knowing you watch out for aliens!
Me (finkle) and my brother Willie, stayed up wate wast night looking for dem aliems, but we fell asleep beforb we seed any aliems. Keep up your bery important job!!!
You have all it’s needed for wait :p <3 Can I come wait with you ? <3
Wow Wimbles, that’s quite the spread you’ve got! Keep up the good work!
Wimbley, are you sure that it wasn’t one of the Aliems calling about the toaster oven? They may need it to heat Aliem snacks or even for parts for their space ship!!!
Wimbley, Patience is a virtue! Keep up the good work! Snacks will help keep you alert!!
I love all of your outfits and snacks there man!!