Deer Diary – Fibe nights in a row I hab been trying to get the aliems to come bisit me. I’ve tried eberyfing I can fink of. I am gibing up hope. To say I am dissappointed and hab a dispare is putting it mildly. I feel like a failure. Dis might be my last entry.
P.S. Dis Wimbley.

I want to hold your tiny little hands. Wimbley, you look so forlorn.
Oh, Whimbly, don’ts gibs ups. Aliens taks lots ob tyme to gets to ubs froms wheres ebers theys libes. Mors thams fibes days, theys don’ts habs trabel juices.
Now Wimbley its not you its the aliems. They know you are waiting on them.they could be using disappearing they could be there right in front ob you and you dont eben know it….
Do not despair! I shall bake you some of my very delicious brownies, to use as a lure. Or, to just eat while you wait.
You are not a failure! Maybe it is just not the right time!
Oh poor Wimbley, you look so sad that I want to give you a hug.
Maybe the aliens saw your signal but they are a long, long way away. Or maybe their spaceship broke down.
I think you need some days off!
Try cheese
My darling, ratty. Timing is everyfing. I should know, as I am a musician. I find that playing the accordion gets a good response from eberyone. Probably aliens too. Do not hab a dispare. Try da music.
Wimbley, I agree with Mollie. I think you should get an accordion, who doesn’t like to do the polka?
Dear sweet Whimbley. Don’t have a dispare! I can’t stand to see your face so sad. NO rattie is ever a failure. I will give you an aliem for now. I hope it helps you to not be gibing up hope. Tell your Mom to check her email and look for the one from me. Luvs you bunches .
Oh no :'( don’t despair!
Don’t dispare Wimbley. Maybe you just need to bisit the aliems. Milo can finally rebuild da spaceship and you can go on an adbenture to see dem in otter space!