Souff Carolina Weather Forecast
Good ebening, dis Fibbs Frost wiff the weather for Souff Carolina. It looks like our campaigm will hab pretty good weather, but 100% chance ob donuts for the people of Souff Carlina and Nebada for the upcoming cactus and primary! We hab a little rain in the forecast, so make sure you hab an umbrella or a newspaper to keep your hair dry. Come see me at the cactus, I will kiss your babies and stuff, and gib out donuts. Bote Fibbs! Peace. Love. Donuts. Back to you Bob….
Hey Fibbs, your intensity and focus shall bring you victory and plenty of donuts for all!!
Rainy day here
We stay at home with lot of donubs and coffee :p <3 love you <3 Xxxx
omg Fibbs you are AWESOME….