Swiss Bizness
On to Switzerland to do some Internashunal bizness and find some chocolate!! Hey, Mr. Cow, you got any chocolate? No? He said try up in the billage. We went to the billage and met some nice people and saw some cute stores and amazing landscapes, look at those big mountains! I fink someone said they are called Alf, like the aliem guy on teebee. But so far no chocolate to be found, we are getting really hungry! I fink we will hab to go to Zurich and find Dani and see if she habs any chocolate for us. Can’t concemtrate on bizness wiffout our chocolate fix. Or maybe some cheese. I wonder if they hab any swiss cheese around here. Dis Cosmo. On a qwest for cheese and chocolate!!
Fank you berry much Dani Pine. You said these were made wiff lub. Yep, we could tell. xo
What a nice place
You boys make all the countries look so much better!
And ob course, Augie hab to gib da bizness license a lick to make sure it’s real.