Puerto Rico Bizness
We are in beautiful Puerto Rico today! Lots ob bizness to do here (please send electricity), and lots ob neat fings to see too! The beaches here are stunning, the one Bean is at has the tide coming in in two different directions – I hab neber seen anyfing like that dat before. Lots ob old world culture and charm, and a big rainforest, and great food. We had a meeting wiff some bizness people in downtown Old San Juan and we can’t tell you about it yet, but maybe there is an exciting announcement coming soon. Maybe there isn’t, but maybe there is. You neber know. (More pics / story – scroll down)
Fank you Alina Allread and Brandom Wheeler for getting us here, want to meet us for a snack?!
One last stop at Aerocibo Radio Space Obserbatory. We couldn’t miss dis! Wow, this is really cool. “Bean, do you hear dat noise? It’s like a weird whirring sound.” “I hear it Augie! It sounds like a transporter or somefing. I’m sure it normal.”
“What do you fink Cosmo?? Cosmo??? Where are you? Where’d you go?!? He was just here. Did anybody see where he went?”
Ohhh noooo. Cosmo?? Yoo out der? I hope yoo didn’t get lost or abducted or sumfing. We would miss yoo so berry much.