Oh Canada
Fank you Christina Anderson for inbiting us to Camada. Sorry it took us so long to get here, we had to granulate first before we could trabel internashunal. We are ready to do some Canadiam bizness, eh! We hab heard about your bacon. And French fries wiff graby. Does dat make them French-Canadiam? It’s time to start looking for bizness opportunities in the great white norff. I know you hab a few Marty Marts and Fibbs Donuts and Frostee Freeze already. You can expect Cosmo will be rebeiwing a Canadiam movie or two.
We are going to get in the boats now and search for some narwhal. We’re gonna take off, eh. See ya later.
You’ve got to try Canadiam Maple Syrup while you’re bisiting. It’s yummy.
Woo Canada! Maple cookies da best
You hab to try some poutine.. dat’s pronounced poo TEEN.. I don’t use da cheezie curd’s doe. I don’t like da squeek on my teeff, sooo I just use pizza cheeze. It’s so nommy.
Welcome to Canada boy’s.