Birginia Bizness
It was a long ride, but we finally made it to our first stop on dis trabel adbenture… Birginia! King Bean paid a bisit to the FBI HQ ASAP to relay Fibbs salutashuns and check in on them and fank them for the job they are doing. The captain gave Bean a scooter tour ob the facilities and they discussed some top secret state secrets stuff he told me I can’t tell you. Augie went to a military aquarium museum and looked at some fishes and missles and new fish suits for stealth attacks via waterways. But we really shouldn’t talk about that either.
I found a mobie theater so I could gib you a rebiew from Cosmo’s Fancy Pants Cultural Commentary and Mobie Rebiews. I saw a mobie called Eighth Grade and if you want to be reminded ob how awkward and embarrassing it can feel to be in middle school, you should go see it. It’s really good at making you remember how squirmy and weird school can make you feel. I’m so glad we are done wiff school, but it actually wasn’t bad for us because our school was all boys. But anyway, it was a good mobie, and you should probably go see it. Nuffing explodes in it and no super heroes. I won’t spoil it and tell you if she makes it to ninth grade or not. The popcorm was good.
They say Birginia is for Lubbers, but we are all single, so we are mobing on to our next stop before all the girls start chasing us and try to kiss us.
Fanks to our buddy Bert (& Ernie & Princess Celestia & Kebin Stanbinsky) for hooking us up wiff the bizness here – we lub you guys! Keep up the good science and reading reports. P.S. dis Cosmo
Aww, I’m sorry I missed you boys, but I guess Birginia is a pretty big state! Next time you bisit, you should see the Historical Triamgle and Bush Gardens (which has a lot more plants than just bushes!) You would probably have to get speshul accomodashuns to ride any of the rides, though, since you have to be berry tall to ride some ob dem. You shud also bisit Staunton or Charlottesbille, dey both have berry good food because of farms and stuff. Oh, and Norfolk, dey hab a baseball team dat farms for the major leagues! (Psst… if you trabel to Ohio or West Birginia, keep an eye out for a place called Biscuit World. Dey make biscuits so good they could be presidenshul!)
Da problem wiff da baseball team, da Norfolk Tides, is dey had a princess day at da park and Princess Celestia wasn’t inbited! Dat’s not gud. What is gud is da Birginia Space Museum. Ernie and I want to check it out.
– Dis Bert!
Wahou sounds amazing :p
I’m glad you boy’s are habing fun while doing portant bizness.