Vermont Bizness
Here we are in Bermont!! It’s so pretty here, the leabes are colorful ALL year long. Science can’t explain that, maybe it’s magic. I was looking for a pile ob leabes to jump in, but I found a fluffy pile ob maple flabored cotton candy to play in instead. It looked like a cloud, but it collasped when I jumped on it and I hit my butt on the ground. Don’t worry, it didn’t hurt, but the lesson is when you see somefing, you can’t judge the viscosity ob it by looks, like a cloud. Sometimes our eyes betray the science ob reality, but I digress. I fink I will talk to Fibbs and see if he wants to add a cotton candy annex to his Fibbs Frosty Freeeze and Donuts here in Bermont. I fink it will do well. It’s so yummy and melts in your mouff. It sticks to your butt too, if you jump in it. It’s better just to eat it.
Augie found a picnic wiff a whole table ob maple candies and Cosmo made a new friend, a black bear named Humbearto, at least that is what we thought he said because he was talking wiff his mouff full. By the time Cosmo got to the picnic Humbearto had eaten all the food. Cosmo didn’t say anyfing and just ate the crackers he had in his pockets ob his fancy pants.
Fank you so much Linda Williamson for the fun times in Bermont and the extra stuff to gib our mom and dad!!
That’s so awesome that’s my home town I’m glad you guys liked Vermont would love to have met you guys
What a lovely place
Cosmo, I knew you had those fancy pants for a reason! Pockets! Love you guys!
Cotton candy is always better in da mouff and not on da butt.
Hmmm maybe yoo should fink about opening up Cosmo’s Fancy Pant’s and Tummy Button’s Emporium, I fink dat would do berry well.