Norff Carolima Bizness
Our next stop is to the Outer Banks ob Norff Carolima – and it’s gorgeous here too! So many places in our country are just bootiful. We were inbited here to do bizness, but we got really distracted by one fing…wild ponies on the beach!! You guys, ponies ON. THE. BEACH. Ponies. It’s amazing!! They are wild and just run around splashing in the wabes. We spent lots ob time just watching them, then one ob them came ober and talked to us and offered to gib us rides. We spent the afternoon and ebening riding on the ponies and spending time on the beach enjoying the salt air and habbing snacks wiff the ponies. They were really great. This one pony, his name was Archie, he was kind ob the leader and he took us into a cabe far far away from where all the people are and showed us their house. I can’t really talk about it, it’s a secret. – dis Bean
Fank you to Sir Cormelius Loubet and his brothers Oliber and Sebastshun Loubet, and mom Joni Loubet-LaBonté! We will be ober to your house shortly to swim in your pool. It’s not like a baff is it??
Bean took this picture ob me and Cosmo….
Very clever, lads! Hitching a ride on a pony’s head is a great way to avoid a surprise baff.
Dem ponies are wonderful aren’t day? Newfoundland habs da same ponies. Dem hab been der for a berry berry long time. Dat’s where I was born. Maybe yoo boy’s could go der sumtime. Dey are boted da most friendliest Probence in all ob Canada. .
I fink yoo would really like him. He trabel’s all ober da place raising awareness for Rattie Rescue.
I hope yoo got to meet Trek da Trabeling Rat before he took off in his trabel pod to his next destinashun.