Missouri Bizness
Our midwest adbenture takes us to Missouri next. “Show Me!” you say. Ok, I will. Dis me, Augie.
Cosmo went to Weldon Spring to bisit the Nuclear Waste Adbenture Trail. Dad called and said don’t stay long and risk getting any radiashun – it might make him an AmFibbian. I fink dat is a good idea, because you neber know wiff nuclear waste, it doesn’t seem like a great idea to make a tourist fing out ob it. He said it was fun to see it though.
Eben though the Arch is the obvious fing to see in Saint Louis, I wanted to see it. I went up to the top of it and my hands got so sweaty from being up so high. I fink I could see my house in CA from there. I could see into the stadium where Bean was playing baseball too. He was a designated hitter for the Cardinals, and some ob them were surprised because he did berry good and hit it ober the fence. After the game we went and had toasted rabioli and frozen custard to celebrate the win – it’s what you do in Missouri!
Fank you Ashley Frerking!!
As soon as I read about da waist fing I fought “be careful” but yer dad phoned and said sumfing.
I hab a picshur in my head wiff Bean holding a little baseball bat. To cute.