Arizona Bizness
Good morning eberyone! Today we are headed to Arizoma to check out some cabe bizness. We looked abunch ob different cabes, they were so pretty, I was finking they would be dark and scary, but these were all orange and swirly and had nice animals in there. A good place for bizness. The only problem is that the floors are are uneben and Bean stubbed his toe and we had to call the ambulance, and they had trouble finding the right cabe, so that might be an issue and we need to put better signs up. Bean is ok, by the time the ambulance found us his toe didn’t hurt anymore. One on the new cabe friends said if we peed on it it would feel better, and I was pretty skeptical, but we did it and it worked! So next time you stub your toe, keep that in mind. – Cosmo
Fank you Carole Littlefield!
Oh poor Bean! :'( hug <3
Be careful in dose cabe’s; we don’t want anymore booboo’s. Dem cabe’s are berry pretty doe.
Now, tell da truff, you didn’t mind peeing on your brudder, hehehe.
I’m glad it worked and Bean’s toe is better.