Oklahoma Bizness
We don’t even hab our offishul bizness granulashun papers yet, or eben started school, but we are so touched that you all hab confidence in us that you started sending us our bizness licenses already! Fanks to Ken Kellmer who sent the first one, Oklahoma! It’s where the wavin’ wheat sure smells sweet, and wind comes sweeping down the plain. We promise to grow up and do really good bizness there.
Since we habn’t done our classes yet, we don’t hab trabel juice, so we had to go there the old fashioned way, through a trabel tunnel. Until we finish science class that’s how we will do it. We heard that bear wrestling is against the law in Oklahoma, but we didn’t fink that sounded like a berry good idea anyway, so we just had a look around some ob the pretty parts, we found some oil rigs and went to the Oklahoma City for a snack, then took the tunnel back home.
If you want to help us wiff our bizness or don’t know what it is, you can check out this page: COSMO, AUGIE and BEAN BIZNESS LICENSE page to see what states we need, and how it works. Fank you Ken for our berry first bizness trip!! It was fun!
Oh boys you are doing such a grand job already.
I love how you put your noses down to make them look good to boop.
Love you all.
Margie Rick already sent you your Minnesota bizness licenses. So I’m sending you lots of Minnesota lub. You can never have too much lub.
Sounds like you boys had a good first trabel.
I’m glad you didn’t wrestle any Bears. Not a bery good idea ????
Dang it Ken! I wanted to be the first, sigh!!! These pics are precious! And, so it begins again again!!! Woot!!!
This is just the start, the future calls.
If you guys want to come to Connecticut, I’ve got some ratties who’d love to meet you!
Ratty travel adbentures, yay!
Oh, dat’s a triple *boop* if I eber did see one, or, ummm, three.