Kentucky Bizness
After we eated all the taters we could, we trabeled to Kemtucky to see some horses and do some bizness in the bluegrass state (dat’s Kemtucky). The horse farms are so pretty, and they are really nice to us. We got to praktice riding wiff some ob the jockeys dat ride the horses in the races – they went FAST! My secret serbice team didn’t like dat, so we didn’t do it berry long, but we hung around the stable and the horses shared some of there oats wiff us. I did some campaigming in Florence where they are really excited to hab a Fibbs Frostee Freeze and Donuts next to their Marty Mart!
Fank you Shirley Loftin! Next up… Alabama Bizness!
Horses are wonderful
Did you try to ride them?