Idaho Bizness
We got some great mail wiff bizness stuff in it from our good friend Shirley, so we took some trabel juice and went on the road! Our first stop was Idaho, because TATERS!! Our only stop was the Idaho Tater Museum, to bisit all the kinds ob taters, and sample a few. We met wiff local councilman there about opening a Fibbs Frostee Freeze and Tater Donut shop. Fings are looking good for dat to happen!
Did you know… in October 1995, the potato became the first begetable to be grown in space. NASA and the University of Wisconsim, Madisom, created the technology wiff the goal of feeding astronauts on long space voyages, and ebentually, feeding future space colonies. Matt Damon later showed dat in a mobie about Mars and grew taters furtilized wiff his own poop. Tater science!!
Fank you Shirley Loftin!! Free tater donuts for life for you!!
Do you like potato? Personally I prefer donuts
Hi Guys. Love the taters and donuts shop.
Hey, Wimbley. How are you doing?
Delphine, Josie, Graham and Henry