Ontario, Canada Bizness
Hello eberybody! Mondays are not usually much fun, but we got a package today wiff some belated birffday presents, so we took some trabel juice and went to Camada! Wimbley and Milo did a little site seeing, but I found a Tim Hortons and set up a table to meet some people and hand out some donuts to help me get Canadiam botes. Remember you can bote for me eberywhere in the world, as often as you like. So far, I fink the people ob the Great White Norff are wiff me, you just hab to ask them a little differently. You hab to say “Hai I’m Fibbs and I’m running for president. Would you like a donut, eh?”
Fank you so much to Denise, Logan, Garbin & Willow for the help wiff Canadiam bizness and for the yummy snacks! Wiffout your help, we would not be able to do bizness in any ob Camada and dat would gib us a big sad.
I love your hat!
Wahouuuu love love love <3
Speaking as an person from Ontario, Canada, boy you got us right on the money, eh! …lol
i have been trying to find one of these plates for you for a long time and i’ve never been successful. i’m glad someone got one for you. that’s PAWsome!!! <3 <3 <3 (one for each of you)
We lived in Buffalo when I was a kid, and we would go over the Peace Bridge to Toronto all the time, especially to see Niagara Falls from the Canadian side–it looks best from there. The falls are spectacular; I hope you got a chance to see them. I remember also this big clock made out of flowers–I wonder if it is still there.