Norff Dakota Bizness
Since we were so close by after our bisit from Wyoming, we decided to come to Norff Dakota! (The states are *almost* touching, you can see if you look on a map.) Our dad is from Norff Dakota, so it’s too bad he couldn’t come wiff us dis time. It’s a weally pretty state. We bisited some farms and learned how they grow stuff. I talked to eberybody in the state about boting for me for President. I fink they will, they were pretty excited by the free donuts. Eberybody usually is. Dad told us to hit up the BFW for a pamcake breakfast. It was good, plus they had a lime jello salad wiff marshmallows floating in it! I neber hab seen anyfing like it, but I’m going to see if mom will make us an orange one.
We bisited our new friends Lucy and Ethel and their mom Staci Dreyer in Grand Forks. (Don’t tell the people there, but the forks there seemed pretty normal to me, not so grand or eben berry big) Fank you ladies for the help wiff trabel and bizness!!
See which states we still need help wiff HERE.
Awesome guys.I wish I could see all da weally gweat places you go to.
That salad with marshmallows sound great to me!!
And there is a rainbow in Milo’s picture (as a scientist, maybe he will figure out about the facts of a pot of gold at the end of it someday?).
Hope your campaign have been a success in North Dakota, Fibbs!
Sorry, lost my glasses! Seen the picture of Wimbley now.
Regards Onno