Colorado Bizness Part 1
Well, if you saw the post earlier, you know why we are in Colorado. We had to go on an adbenture to get some lunch. I’m not sure what got into our mom leaving us high and dry with no lunch left in the bag. Presidential camdidates need good nutritions. Milo got us all some trabel juice and we went to Littletom CO and got some lunch wiff our friend, Lynn Mossbrucker, who gabe us dese bizness licenses. It’s pretty here! Lunch was pretty good too. We did a little touring around looking at mountains and nature stuff.
I thought about doing some skiing, because I heard when you learn it’s all about pizza and fries, but we just ate and I didn’t fink it was a good plan. You might hab noticed I’m not dat athletic. I’m more ob a policy guy.
Fank you Lynn for a yummy lunch and good bizness!
That’s awesome guys
Yeahhh <3