Temmeessee Bizness
We hab license for Internashunal Bizness in Temmessee now!
Wimbley went to Dollywood and rode on all the rides, he met Dolly and they sang a duet ob Islands in the Stream. Milo enjoyed the Smoky mountains and Fibbs met up wiff some record producers in Nashville and talked to dem about a recording contract for our new tribute band to Marty and the Corms. I fink it went well, Fibbs has the gift ob gab and is a good negotiator.
Big fanks to Shirley Loftin for sending these to us!! We will send you a fank you card and prints ob us wiff our license. If you want to help us, see what states we still need here.
P.S. Don’t share your Netflix password wiff anyone here, it’s illegal!
Wimbley looks like a winged butterfly, with the flowers in the background. Hai Cuties!
Wimbley, wish I could have seen (and heard) you sing with Dolly! Bet she thought you are adorable too!
Fibbs, I am sure everybody was impressed by you. Milo, these mountains sure look awsome.
Love you all!